About Us

Our Mission

Love Mercy International
Igniting Hope, Driving Transformation Worldwide

Our mission is to compassionately meet the physical, mental, and spiritual needs of individuals in distress, both globally and locally, through our unwavering commitment to refugees, poverty alleviation, local outreach, and disaster relief, igniting hope and driving transformation across the world.

Love Mercy International (LMI) was created to start a movement – to mobilize a generation to care for our neighbors, whether they are next door or on the next continent.

Daniel 11:32 says "the people who know their God will be strong and take action." We are a group of people who aim to know God and make him known. We seek to demonstrate his love and kindness to people in their time of need. God cares and so do we!

We have 4 Pillars of Impact

Poverty Alleviation
Local Outreach
Disaster Relief

How our Pillars Impact Lives

We work with refugees who in an instant find themselves without a home or knowing where their next meal will come from.

We offer immediate resources in their time of need. 

We work with widows and vulnerable women in developing nations who are at risk for prostitution or trafficking.

LMI helps them start small businesses by providing initial consultation and start-up capital as well as ongoing mentorship.

We care about the needs of our local community.

One of the immediate needs LMI will provide is to offer hope and encouragement for so many of our young people who are at risk for suicide, through hosting various community events. 

We go to communities who have endured natural disasters

These include devastating and destructive disasters such as an earthquake or tornado. Stepping into these real challenging and painful circumstances changes the whole trajectory of people's lives.

Debbie Lascelles

Our Director

Debbie Lascelles has worked for 30 plus years in developing nations, serving people in need. She has a passion to help vulnerable people and has worked in over 60 nations with YWAM (Youth With A Mission). She founded and directed MercyWorks for 25 years and was involved in medical, relief and refugee missions. Debbie loves young people and desires to see them trained and equipped to help others in distress. She is a West Texas native married to a New Zealander, Chris. They have three young adult children, Haley, Kip and Caden. The Lascelles live on a small farm in East Texas.